Thursday, June 26, 2008


We'd like to inform all of you that new composting buckets are on their way to KK! The new buckets are bigger than the existing white ones.

We do our very best to improve kitchen waste composting methods and equipment from time to time. Your sharing with us - good or not so good - means a lot. We too are learning everyday.

So please email us at or



Helen met our new Australian friend in KL for the first time to deliver the composting bucket. (o;

Hope things are going fine there - let us know your experiences in composting your kitchen wastes ya!

All the best!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

From KK to KL!

Recently, we brought the composting buckets and bokashi to Kuala Lumpur!

It was really lovely to meet our new Australian friend (who's residing in KL now) and KL folks getting really excited about doing composting!

Keep up the good work! *thumbs up*

Will post more updates and pix soon ya!